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5 Signs Your Home’s Air Ducts Need Cleaning

Much like your car, your home’s HVAC system will work better and last longer if it’s maintained regularly. If you suspect that your home’s air ducts need cleaning, keep an eye out for these telltale signs. First Goal Heating and Cooling provides top-tier ductwork services that will keep your system in good shape for years to come.

Pest Infestation

Have you started to hear the pitter-patter of rodent feet in your air ducts? Are insects getting into your home in unprecedented numbers? Pests in your ductwork are a sign of dirty, run-down ducts. Once you’ve hired an exterminator to rid your home of pests, call a ductwork professional to repair and clean up the mess inside.

Skyrocketing Energy Bill

You should have a decent idea of your home’s average energy usage. If you notice your bills getting higher for no obvious reason, your HVAC system could be working overtime to compensate for clogged ducts. Improve the overall airflow in your home and get your energy bill to a manageable level by having your ducts cleaned.

Top Tip:

Many homes are making the switch to split-system air conditioning to improve their energy footprint. Split-system AC is also known as ductless AC. The system is comprised of multiple smaller AC units, one for each room, and takes ducts out of the equation completely!

Recent Home Renovations

Have you just completed a major house project? Construction of any kind tends to kick up dirt, and your HVAC system’s job is to filter that dirt out of the air. At the end of your renovation, you may find a great deal of construction-related dust and debris clogging your ducts.

Allergy Flare-Ups

If you or someone in your home suffers from allergies, proper ventilation and a clean HVAC system are key to maintaining health. Dirty or clogged ductwork can lower the air quality in your home and leave more allergens floating around inside. For the sake of your and your family’s health, have your air ducts inspected and cleaned.

Mold Growth

Not only do your air ducts help funnel allergens and small particles out of your home, they also suck out extra moisture from the air. If those ducts are dirty and poorly maintained, that extra moisture can build up in the ducts and incite mold growth. Mold is a serious threat to the structural integrity of your home, not to mention the well-being of you and your family. Don’t give mold any free real estate in your home; have your ducts cleaned at the first sign of growth.

Do you suspect that your home’s air ducts need to be cleaned? Keep your eyes peeled for these five signs of dirty or run-down ductwork, and call the experts at First Goal Heating and Cooling to schedule a cleaning.